Police The Sunny Isles Beach Police Department is a fully accredited law enforcement agency, which is dedicated to providing the highest level of professional service to our community.
Ocean Rescue Sunny Isles Beach Ocean Rescue lifeguards are continuously training to provide excellent service for our residents and visiting guests. Remember to always swim near a lifeguard.
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Learn about the traffic safety initiatives, key statistics, events and news from the Sunny Isles Beach Police Department.
Traffic & News Alerts The latest lane closures, traffic notices, closings, and emergency notifications that are currently in effect in Sunny Isles Beach. These alerts are updated as information becomes available.
Hurricane Season Resources Sunny Isles Beach is located in the Zone B floodplain where a hurricane may cause a storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, flooding, or loss of utility services.
Emergency Alert Notifications SIBAlert enables residents to receive accurate and up-to-date notices and warnings from the City of Sunny Isles Beach during critical incidents and emergencies.
Fire Rescue Services Miami-Dade County Fire Station 10 serves residents of Sunny Isles Beach, located at 175 172 Street.
Autism Outreach Program Through the Autism Outreach Program, we hope to maintain a database of Autistic individuals we may interact with in hopes of improving our response.