Parks & Recreation Master Plan
A Parks & Recreation Master Plan study was undertaken in 2023 as the Cultural & Community Services Department seeked to gain important feedback from residents to build a longstanding future for the city's parks and recreation services.
Public outreach included surveys, open houses and public engagement events, offering the public various opportunities to provide their input on the needs and priorities for parks and recreation facilities in our community.
Our consultant presented the results from this study during the April 2023 Commission Meeting. The feedback provided by residents was also consolidated into the Comprehensive Master Plan which was presented in a Commission Workshop in September 2023.
We are in the process of making the Parks & Recreation Master Plan document ADA compliant in order to share it on our website. To request a copy of the document, please submit a public records request with the Office of the City Clerk.
Public Engagement Platform
About the Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan will define the direction, development, and delivery of the city’s parks and recreation services over the next ten years. This plan will help ensure that we are reaching the needs of residents today while reaching new heights for the future of our city. The input of our residents today will help decide the future of our parks, recreation, and programming.